Nice, thanks for answering that for me! I really like how you compared the trains of the two series. Just a couple things more nods I’ve noticed and want to mention: Campanella and Kanba have rather similar names(Campa vs. Kanba). Also, I don’t know if you noticed this, but in the last scene of episode 24, you see small Shouma and Kanba walking and Kanba says something like “it’s as Kenji said…” The author of Night on the Galactic Railroad is Kenji Miyazawa. ^^


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So… I read all your posts about Penguindrum, it was really fun. But I have to ask: trains? What’s the final say on those from you guys? Personally, I agree with what someone on the internet said (Nopy’s blog) that this series takes a LOT from Night on the Galactic Railroad including trains and apples. I was wondering what you guys think of that in relation to the show?


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